The Work That Brings Peace In Me

The Work That Brings Peace in Me, Costa Ndayisabye

By Costa Ndayisabye

The truly remarkable story of the author’s personal journey from living in emotional pain, anger, and turmoil, because of his horrendous experiences growing up in Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda, and how he found his way to personal PEACE and Living in the Present NOW.

Costa has written this inspiring true account, in the hope that others will be helped by the self-inquiry process that Costa discovered through The School for the Work of Byron Katie.

Costa’s inspiration: “The best time of my life is this. This is The present and I celebrate.”

5″ x 8″ Paperback 144 pages
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1938394003

Readers’ Comments

“Sometimes, even when you least expect it, good can emerge from the most tragic of circumstances. Costa Ndayisabye shows that through the grassroots advocacy of forgiveness and practical reconciliation not only can damaged relations be repaired but the entirety of our humanity can be increased. His commitment to communal healing and his personal talent shines through the darkness of his past life and enriches us all.” —Mark Welch PhD, British Columbia, Canada

“Oh, my dear Costa. You have found your way home, the home of the peace in your immovable heart. Oh, my dear Costa, thank you for showing our dear little Queen Byron a wiser, peaceful way of being through The Work and your unconditional love… I am loving you Costa, dear, dear man of peace. All ways,” —Byron Katie, Spiritual Teacher, Byron Katie Institute, Ojai, CA

“You are light…” —Dr. Jim Lockard, author of The Sacred Thinking. CSL Simi-Valley, CA

“Your words and your presence in my life are a constantly renewing balm on my heart…” —Isabelle Stahl, kindmind, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

“Brother Costa, I feel I know you and would love to meet you someday. Tears come when I read your words.” —Jeanette Stephens

“Costa my friend, I will not forget your letter to me, Who said? “I” Said. Who Loves? “I” Love, Who suffers? “I” Suffer. Who is happy? “I” am happy, wow; everything is “I,” lovely. You inspire the world.” —Stevens M., Boston, MA

“The Work works! Thinking everyday of your amazing grace, Costa. Love to you and your family.” —Katherine Munkley

“You introduced to me to The Work of Byron Katie through The Work that Brings Peace in Me; I did it and found peace. I need to forgive me; I was the ground of my own sufferings.” —Stanley Yaola, one of the First Nations community Chiefs, Canada.